DRIVE UK 5 November 10 ap twelve o'clock ETS OF THE DOVE COMMANDERIE Monday, October 25 Humidity: 45% Temperature: 17 ° c, Time variable.
two dogs know the victim.
The objective of the meeting for 3 of 4 dogs tarvailler from the outset so that the dog can find the right piste.Le fourth working him, the discovery of victime.Mais events, show that upheaval will remain in an objective is not always easy.
team rapids soars in first. Fairly quickly the dog shall be released after pledging on the right piste.Piste found very quickly that prevented the contracting of work elsewhere start as he quickly souhaitait.Puis loin penalizing. It wraps around a tree to prevent the dog to tell us correctly following the path.
To overcome this confusion, the dog follows a trail, but the lack of objects to doubt the whole team
team of experienced is called in reinforcements.
The dog takes the same route as the team's quick and finds the victime.Il indicate the plot actually made by the victim to return by finding two objects.
To reinforce the team rapids in the right initiative at the choice of runway, we let him resume his short drive from where it was eventually arrêté.Le dog and finds victime.C 'net ests is clean, it's fast and concentrated to 2 dogs.
The victim but no object for this time. However
2 courses at this tracé.Un confirmed to us that dogs always draw from the experiences they passées.Ici well recorded that if a track is too hard for us, we must find a
easier. attention when the teacher who would give up too quickly acceptable.La 2nd solution is that if we must accept the help that we can provide the dog (or other support)

we must ensure the maximum support (even lift it from the harness, hook, unhook it, do it drinking, etc..).
The 2nd term with a false track is performed by
team experienced who leaves (for his first runway was short) and
great team.
The 2 teams will have their research resulted in a failure. The team of experienced
approached to 5 meters of the victim having taken the wrong track with 2 objects found on the wrong track and 2 on the right track.
and recovered good
But the management team tension and fatigue of the dog is noted difficile.Il faaut still a better reading of the master of his dog and better cooperation between them. The concentration and effectiveness of this couple is growing steadily.
great team she is a victim of being ill équipée.Le dog seeing it lasts manages his first major needs and here it will manage its thirst by moving towards a lair near the forest.
However, I must congratulate the master Always believe in your dog costs only coûte.Ensuite we heard that it was in the team will return to us.
This track has been rich in lessons for all. Followers realized that sometimes one is talki insuffisant.A a moment we lost the victim oats (normal) but the two research teams also.
delicate The team ended the session at crépuscule.Même précédemment.Le observation that dog is happy to participate, but each search is a victory over his phobies.Les efforts, however small, do take place every time but soon felt the reference object is a little panique.Cette time we must put the victim in front straight from the dog will however be caressed by it. The start was clean and tidy and the dog goes relonger the main runway for departure back to voitures.Il well almost to the height of the victim but do not dare to descendre.2 items on 4 while tagging along with a more net.Là also, we wanted to work discovery to work on motivating the dog but his blocking requires us to manage the emergency.
we must congratulate the "victim" because she has an instinct for understanding what is feasible or not by the teams according to their level. His patience was unusual and good humor communicative.ENcore thank you.