The weather is gray and stormy, but not too hot.
The hunting dog is a mix of steps 8 and 9 on a known person but for the first time with his master.
He rushed for more than hunt and search at an angle so click on the object and track odorante.IL trying to cross the reeds but bypasses the victime.C up 'is a explosion of joy.
Team Rapids:
Since the beginning the dog wants to rush in a straight line and not follow the path of the victim despite the first object.The driver let the dog take over quickly without interfering when the dog is confident. The objects are also marqués.Là caress the driver not to discourage the dog and restore calm. Between two objects the dog seems to hesitate and lose. His youth made him lose concentration and lack of insurance is in place the work back in the game probably for a bit. The team is struggling to emerge from this critical angle on the left is good then the dog has a purpose and goes straight ahead without hesitation on the parcours.Un another angle on the right but facing a bird distracted the dog this time after having finished with the bird does not get lost and turn left along a hedge of reeds to spin up the journey victime.Joli because despite the distractions of youth and the couple has managed 4 and 5 items on the discovery of the first victime.La idea of the dog to go in a straight line took off 1 / 4 to see a half of the course but it was on the right track.

trip between 2Sharps

query against the angle

recovery of the odor on the reference object.
team of delicate:
She left a trail of nouveau.1ere unknown person. A straight line at an angle to the left, a ditch and the victim leaning against a large arbrede across the fossé.Pas easy but ....
The dog was struggling to get into the travail.IL must say that this is 2/3jours that his health is not exemplary.
After the straight dog already wants to cross the ditch, or chance already breath of the victim? We will not know because we deliver on the right track dogs. However a nice confirmation request to the master before crossing the ditch before the victim and a pretty cheerful approach to the victim.

during a doubt the reference object is represented in dog

redirected to the correct track

the scented trail of the victim , Last line right

discovery of the victim
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