great team :
rushes into a medium pace more suitable to check couple.Le dog back to 2 tracks for himself and without hesitation on the objects and victime.C is faultless in the calm, consistency and concentration. The teacher knows when to speak or remain neutre.Une trend, however small to engage the dog forward during or after intersections, which could play tricks on him. This is one overall trend.

mark well the dog track to follow

master recovers and leaves the dog feels abandoned and an attempt by another trail farther
The team of experienced :
The dog knows well the first object is victime.Le marqué.Les photos show you the track away from the path on the right to return to a natural prairie vegetation. The dog brand although the entrance but pushed by the master over the area and it continues after the show sentier.La that the dog had to have felt good corona but sought a way to reach the victim by accessing another track on the left. What is impossible eventually tire the dog gave up. It was long and tedious because the dog gave the impression of power and access has been slow to release the couple prise.Heureusement sportif.Un object outside the victim has been left by the dog (without marking ) I'll put the beginning of the video track very significant.

freezes when the dog receives proper corona
team of delicate :
I did not put the video that shows the false start, however, that the dog when he feels the reference object is not to rush back to the vehicles but . Smell the embarrassment he is to understand the anxiety that goes in search of an unknown anxiety? The dog show this attitude to each object. Yet he feels the breath of the victim and he will go to it, even with a 2nd joie.Pour track is a great big step for this dog traumatized.
Team Rapids :
The path is a little rockier. The departure is fast. Objects are made drunk with pleasure. It is without hesitation from start to finish. The discovery is cheerful and bouncy. It's pretty for a dog of 11 months. The couple must learn to find the rhythm that goes well with 2.
team of experienced:
glue them back for not staying on track is short échec.La with 2 corners faciles.Le dog enters an alley when a cross to return . It will exceed the area of the victim, clearly signaling the location but could not find how to access. The master will set for them help. And it is a discovery more than joyeuse.Enfin resoldered .... the couple. "
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