The team Great :
She works in her own village.Ce which is the both an advantage: knowledge of the field and both a disadvantage: it is also subject to many distractions. It is also the first time the dog must find an open field on his own track taken by the victime.Et if it is not easy, most of the dog does not appear in the driver's nerves effort.The are put to the dog épreuve.Puis seems to find the beginning of a corona. IT is moving towards a champs.AU saw the sketch, we understand that fields adjacent to the location of the victime.Mais the dog does not turn clear in the right direction and really does not insist. THE victim, we entend.C is the closeness anyway. Then the torque spring and re-borrow the streets village.Une again in a dead dog insists on the grassy effluvium but has no way possible. The couple was relieved. No object, no casualties but smells more or less marquées.Il need more rigor to the dog so that the objects it uses as scented trail. This will require review a method of departure.

The second dog is its course not with his usual driver, but his vivacity is maître.La redirect complicité.Il Do not break this energy but cannaliser. The dog is already on the smell foremost commandment recherche.Alors we let it. 2 objects and victime.Sans fault. Education should not be set aside but harnessed through every experience of course. The dog is fast and eager to work and falls découvertes.Ca well as the master. Careful never to the detriment of security or one or the other.

team of delicate progresses. This time less fear after the smell of the object of référence.Mais arrival on victimeest source of anxiety: head, hat, glasses, beard, many worrisome aspects. We will wait for a contact transform experience into learning. Wasting time to win by micro-ProRes is finally moving to its rhythm first and then by leaps and bounds. To each his own time scale.

The team is experienced also in his own village. But the team is weakened by a dog out of operation. It will be noted from the first object if the flair is there, connections to the brain are absent. Exit and return to work were still feels good to the morale of the dog that we left deliberately be Won the discovery of the victim came to him almost.
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