is the first time that I managed both a pizza dough. The only downside to this is that the dough is slightly sweet taste, so next time I would reduce considerably the amount of sugar. Overall taste was excellent.
Source: Recipes Quebec

3 cups flour 1 cup water 2 tablespoons
instant yeast
1 / 2 cup
sugar 1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil

In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients.
Use hot water tap, but not too hot, not to kill the yeast. Otherwise warm water not exceeding 45 ° C.
Make a fountain with the dry ingredients and in the middle, add water (hot) and olive oil.
Start mixing slowly until the dough is very sticky. Then begin to knead 10 to 12 minutes, until dough is smooth and does not stick more. Form a big thick slab and round.
In a large bowl greased with olive oil, place dough in the middle and iron with oil lightly over.
Let rise for 2 hours.
The dough is ready for use. No need to roll pastry for the work. Just use your hands to give it the shape of pizza while leaving the middle thinner than the edges.

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