On a lovely afternoon ensoleillé.Environ 16 ° c on the commune of Montesquieu Albères.
2 changes of direction-5 objects including one in the air.
great team begins. 0 items
+ the person in question.
The dog door for the 2nd time a harness and a new and more which, combined with fatigue from leaving-morning swim, seems to interfere a bit.
two options to dog the way back from the tracer or the right path of victime.Il begins way back gauche.Arrivé tracer on a platter and vineyards he perceives corona and only one seems to realize it is actually not the object of référence.Il therefore descends to redirect to the correct chemin.Le rhythm of the dog, his swing, lifted his tail and buttocks tight show that the concentration travail.La is there and what a great job for a coup.Lors turning the dog perceives well the breath of the victim and wants to cut but the master is also there to ensure safety tandem. The dog recovers, runs well on the right: for sure it has the victim in the nez.Les objects have been completely omitted, but the joy of discovery and cuddles are received at the height of the nasal fatigue.
team rapids comes next,
+ 5 objects the person named.
We felt tension and so keen to spring from the couple that the pace is too rapide.Le dog sees all the objects, but took the trouble restituer.La rage is there, it's so good to feel we're on the right voie.Du blow, when the victim is in this video is a little master danger.La passion in the couple is communicative.
team of delicate objects
4 + person found
has caused great Emotions are not visible.
We must pay tribute to those who try to make photos and movies because it's never easy to move quickly and seize those precious moments. The start is always
joyeux.Le little dog when the effluvium of unknown (e) wants to return to the car but it lasts fewer longtemps.Ensuite the dog jumps into the crowd, despite the passage of the great team here, without a shadow of a doubt. Ariva on the plateau it runs along the left field (field blank odor there) and we tip the objects for the first time since June 2010 with much ease, assurance and clarity of reading that we sidère.Le dog is relaxed (tail) and Happy (various expressions of the body and head) and returns to his master gay after discovering the objects start in a barn along foulement.Le ruined it turns exceeds the victim sitting on walks for height, but the nose is running, the head also then the body goes only to the victim. The master later on the loin did not have time to see But the victim raconte.Le isolated master with his dog.
For a dog being treated for severe phobias, see gay and relaxed enough to deprive us of the work is more focused and specific end-bout.Joli.
team of experienced Completes Day 3 objects
+ (the person named).
The departure is safe. At first crossroads is a little less clair.Le dog focuses and sets the master too. On several occasions the teacher chooses to represent the reference object and the dog is paying off again more confident. When in doubt the master has trouble encouraging voice without necessarily raise in the order of recherche.Ca viendra.Un square vines is bypassed and borrowed on the left, the dog sticks to the path of the victim. The dog comes out and goes up the track on the left. At the second intersection would have had to face the dog as well after the last object marked the dog continues with confidence straight and misses the correct track on the right. The fast pace of the dog, too fast, could have alerted the master because the dog has already indicated in the past that this is often a sign of false piste.Le master returns to the crossroads and then goes to the victim. The joy of discovery is straightforward, visible and communicative. The master will be happy with her dog in an intimate moment that strengthens ties.
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